EVA BERENDESimages curriculum

Born in 1974, Bonn, Germany

Living and working in Berlin


  • 2001-2002 Chelsea College of Art and Design, London
  • 1999-2001 MA Fine Art Hochschule der Künste, Berlin.
  • 2000 Central St. Martin ́s College of Art and Design, London (Erasmus)
  • 1995 -1998 Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich

Solo Exhibitions

  • Skulptur, Lippisches Landesmuseum, Detmold, Germany
  • Gateways, 100 Bishopgate, London
  • Façades, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany
  • Lippische Gesellschaft für Kunst, Lippisches Landesmuseum, Detmold
  • Gates and Windows (Architectures) Solo duo with Arantxa Etcheverria, Casado Santapau, Madrid
  • Window Shopping, Kunstverein Siegen im Haus See, Germany.
  • Guards, Galerie Jacky Strenz, Frankfurt/Main
  • New architectural commission: Solidarity Screen, 2017/18, Trade Union Congress House, London.
  • Plaza, Städtische Galerie Waldkraiburg, DE.
  • Galería Caado Santapau, Madrid.
  • Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Wandhaff, Luxembourg.
  • Kunstraum Düsseldorf, two-person show with Ralf Werner, Dusseldorf.
  • Stations, Sommer & Kohl, Berlin.
  • CRGGallery New York, NY
  • Screens & Reliefs, Etage Projects, Copenhagen.
  • Norma (with Andreas Bunte), Ancient & Modern, London
  • Spring/Summer, CRGGallery, New York.
  • abc art berlin contemporary, solo presentation, Berlin.
  • The Near Serendipitous Encounter, Van Horn, Dusseldorf.
  • Figures & Routines, Jacky Strenz, Frankfurt/Main.
  • Galería Casado Santapau, Madrid.
  • ‘People and Events will be the Decoration’, S1 Artspace, Sheffield
  • ‘New Reliefs’, Ancient & Modern, London
  • Elisa Platteau & Cie, Brussels
  • ‘A Veil, A Shadow, A Bloom’, Sommer & Kohl, Berlin
  • Eva Berendes & Michael Van den Abeele, Elisa Platteau Galerie, Brussels.
  • ‘Silk, Grids & Souvenirs’, Jacky Strenz, Frankfurt /Main
  • The Armory, New York, solo presentation, Jacky Strenz Galerie 2008 Eva Berendes / Günter Fruhtrunk, Arndt & Partner, Zürich (CH)
  • ‘New Schubert Pink’, Sommer & Kohl, Berlin (D) 2008 Sommer & Kohl, Berlin
  • Ancient & Modern, London
  • ‘Chess’, with Florian Baudrexel, The Reliance, London
  • ‘Jasmine and Trellis’, Galerie Jacky Strenz, Frankfurt /Main
  • ‘Chess’, with FlorianBaudrexel, Adeline Morlon Art Direction, Düsseldorf.
  • ‘Reliefs’, Center, Berlin Goethe Institute, Dublin

Group Exhibitions

  • Philipp Pflug Contemporary, Frankfurt/Main
  • Last Laugh, nationalmuseum, Berlin
  • Die Möglichkeit einer Insel, kur. Andreas Koch und Peter Koch
  • Moving in Stereo, Highlights der Mercedes Benz Art Collection, Mercedes-Benz Museum, Stuttgart
  • Relief, Loop Raum, Berlin
  • Relief, Loop Raum, Berlin
  • Moving in Stereo, Mercedes-Benz Museum, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Fragile Formationen, Zentrum für aktuelle Kunst Zitadelle Spandau,Berlin
  • Collaborations, invited by Oliver Mark, Guardini Stiftung, Berlin
  • Moving in Stereo, Mercedes-Benz Museum, Stuttgart, Gemany
  • Fragile Formationen, Zentrum für aktuelle Kunst Zitadelle Spandau, Berlin
  • Collaborations, invited by Oliver Mark, Guardini Stiftung, Berlin
  • Transitive Objects (Coral What), COSAR HMT, Düsseldorf , Germany
  • I saw the sign, Schau Fenster Berlin, Germany
  • Smoke a Grid like Grapevine does, Scharaun Project Space, Berlin, Germany
  • Color Field Object, Kunsthalle 1A, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
  • Collection Night Berlin, ROCCA Foundation Berlin, Germany
  • Journey to Italy, Palazzo Massetti di Cocina, San Daniele, Italy
  • Visions of Exchange, Daimler Collection, Berlin
  • 31 woman, Breese Little, London, UK .
  • Reflecting Space, Kunsthaus Essen, DE.
  • MICROSALON #7, Galerie L’Inlassable, Paris, FR.
  • French Connection_Perspectives on Support/Surface,KUNSTSAELE
  • The transparent tortoise shell and the un-ripe umbrella(curated by Louise Briggs,
    Glasgow Sculpture Studios, UK.
  • Sculptures, matières, matériaux, textures…, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, temporary location Sisa-Foetz, Luxembourg.
  • Perpetuum Mobile , Galería Casado Santapau, Madrid.
  • Inside the City.GAK– Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen, Germany
  • Wo ist hier? #2: Raum und Gegenwart, Bildhauerei und Installation seit 2000, Kunstverein Reutlingen, Reutlingen. Germany
  • Bild und Anpassung, Städtische Galerie Waldkraiburg, Waldkraiburg. Germany
  • Neighbours, Whatspace at Studio Grundewald, Gand, Belgium.
  • Synekisme/Groove Space stage design in collaboration with choreographer Sebastian Matthias Tanzhaus NRW, Dusseldorf.
  • Kampnagel Hamburg.
  • “<< <> >> (vol.2)” Super Dakota, Brussels.
  • Super Dakota, Brussels
  • Grids, Gillmeier Rech, Berlin (DE)
  • Le temps de la rentrée, Sommer & Kohl Berlin (DE)
  • Size Matters, Current Perspectives on Minimalism, Kunstfort Vijfhuizen, curated by Nathalie Zonnenberg (NL)
  • Conversations around Marlow Moss, curated by Andrew Bick and Katrina Blannin, & Model, Leeds (GB)
  • Bild und Anpassung, Palais für aktuelle Kunst, Glückstadt (DE)
  • Screen Play, SWG3 Gallery, Glasgow (GB)
  • Interrogation Marks in the Blurred Grid, Czech Gallery, Berlin, curated by Matyáš Chochola and Alexandr Puškin (DE)
  • One from None, Autocenter, Berlin, DE.
  • The Peacock, Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, A.
  • Cabinet of Threads, Van Horn, Dusseldorf, DE.
  • Nur hier – Sammlung zeitgenössischer Kunst der Bundesrepublik Deutschland,
  • Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, DE.
  • Brot und Salz, Sommer & Kohl, Berlin, DE.
  • Café des Glaces Salon, curatorial project by L’Éclair, Café des Glaces, Tonnerre, FR.
  • Berlin Non Objective, SNOCentre, Sydney, AU.
  • Sculpture Summer Show, CRGGallery, New York, US.
  • A Stepping Stone, curated by SALTS, Autocenter, Berlin, DE
  • ‘Making is thinking’, Witte de With, Rotterdam (NL)
  • ‘Madame ealism’, MARRES, Center for Contemporary Culture,Maastricht (NL)
  • ‘Der Menschen Klee’, KIT, Düsseldorf (D)
  • Eva Berendes, Meiro Koizumi, Hiroe Saeki, Jan Scharrelmann, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo (JP)
  • Whitecross Street, London EC1Y 8QP Tel/Fax +44 (0)20 7253 4550 www.ancientandmodern.org Ancient and Modern Ltd. Registered in England 05936151.
  • ‘Construction and its Shadow’, curated by Andrew Bick, Leeds City Arts Gallery
  • ‘Between the lines’, works by Eva Berendes and Zoe Paul, Cass Sculpture Foundation, Goodwood, West Sussex
  • ‘The Long Dark’, Kettles Yard, Cambridge
  • Group show, Elisa Platteau Galerie, Brussels
  • ‘Amphisbaena’, Forgotton Bar/ Galerie im Regierungsviertel, Berlin
  • INTER#4, Galerie Zink, München (D)
  • ‘The Berlin Box’ (curated by Friederike Nymphius), Kunsthalle Andratx /CCA, Mallorca
  • ‘Bilder über Bilder’, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig(Mumok), Wien.
  • ‘Objects, Furniture & Patterns’, Art Since the Summer of ’69, NY
  • ‘Paper Moon’, Sommer & Kohl, Berlin
  • Drawing Sculpture, Daimler Contemporary, Berlin
  • ‘The Long Dark’, International 3, Manchester & Hatton Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne (cur. Michelle Cotton)
  • ‘Les Formes Féminines’, Galerie de la Friche Belle de Mai Marseille
  • ‘All that is solid melts into air, The Thing’, curated by Dieter Roelstraete, MuHKA Antwerp in collaboration with Cultuurcentrum Mechelen, Mechelen
  • ‘rep’e.t’tion’, Sorcha Dallas, Glasgow
  • ‘The Eternal Flame’, cur. Sabine Schaschl and Burkhard Melzer, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel
  • ‘minimal funktional’, Highlights aus der Daimer Kunst Sammlung zum Verhältnis von Kunst und Design, Museum im Kulturspeicher, Würzburg
  • Foreground 08: ‘Intervention/Decoration’, curated by Simon Morrissey and Tabitha Clayson, Frome, Somerset
  • ‘Hase, Krebs und Nachtigall’, Galerie Mezzanin, Vienna
  • ‘Module Play & Box Promenade’, Eva Berendes, Susanne Kohler, Ursula Mayer, Cell Project Space, London
  • ‘Pendre la crémaillère’, Sommer & Kohl, Berlin
  • ‘Eccentric Growth’, Eva Berendes Aleana Egan, Anja Schwörer, Galerie Sandra Bürgel, Berlin.
  • ‘Strange Weight’, Martos Gallery, New York (cur. Rob Tufnell)
  • ‘Minimalism and Applied I’, Sammlung DaimlerChrysler, Berlin
  • ‘Die gute Stube’, cur. Wolfgang Stehle, Kuttner Siebert, Berlin
  • ‘Back and Forth 1’: Otto Boll, Eva Berendes, Matthew Burbidge, Ali Kaaf, Villa Grisebach Gallery, Berlin.
  • ‘Unsere Affekte fliegen aus dem Bereich der menschlichen Wirklichkeit heraus’, Galerie Sandra Bürgel, Berlin (cur. Klaus Winichner)
  • Eva Berendes, Luke Dowd, Kevin Hutcheson, Anna Kerstin Otto, Galerie Jacky Strenz, Frankfurt/Main
  • ‘Friedrich’, Doggerfisher, Edinburgh (cur. Bruce Haines) ‘Stipendiaten’, Konrad– Adenauer- Stiftung, Berlin.
  • Team, Arndt & Partner, Berlin.
  • ‘Farewell’, Kunstverein Kohlenhof, Nürnberg
  • 2010, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Berlin
  • ‘The Appalachian School’, Three Rivers Arts Festival Gallery, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • ‘Scotty oder Madeleine?’, Center, Berlin
  • ‘Liquid Crystal’, Lothringer Dreizehn Space for Contemporary Art, München.
  • Villa in Phoenix. Innen. Dämmerung., Center, Berlin ‘Communism’, The Project Arts Center, Dublin, Ireland
  • ‘Free Energy’, Loop Guestroom, Berlin
  • Eva Berendes, Bernd Ribbeck, Claudia Wieser, Bravo, Düsseldorf ‘The Delighted Eye’, Subspace, Berlin
  • ‘Im Mai’, Studio Matthias Dornfeld, Berlin
  • ‘Put Out More Flags’, Sutton Lane, London (cur, Christabel Stewart)
  • ‘Reality Slides’, Kunstverein Kohlenhof, Nürnberg
  • ‘Goshka Macuga ́s Picture Room’, Gasworks, London
  • ‘Flatshare’, Unit 2 Gallery, London
  • ‘The Fragile Underground’, Bart Wells Institute, London (cur. David Thorpe)

Collaborations / Architectural Commissions

  • Collaboration with fashion label Reality Studio , Germany
  • Elbe Schule Curtain, Architectural Commission for Elbe Schule Berlin, Germany
  • Solidarity Screen, Architectural Commission for the Trade Union Congress House, London, with Hugh Broughton Architects, UK
  • Wearable Sculpture for Oxydo Capsule Collection, with eyewear designer Marco Nicole, Safilo Group, Padova, Italy
  • People looking at people…, Sculptural set design for public space in collaboration with choreographer Sebastian Matthias; Sophiensaele Berlin, Gessnerallee Zurich, Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf, Kampnagel Hamburg
  • Synekism/Groove Space, sculptural stage set, in collaboration with choreographer Sebastian Matthias; Sophiensaele Berlin, Gessnerallee Zurich, Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf, Kampnagel Hamburg

Residences & Awards

  • 2022 Projektförderung, Stiftung Kunstfonds
  • 2021 Bonner Kunstpreis
  • 2020 Stiftung Kunstfonds, Neustart Kultur
  • 2020 Stiftung Zukunft NRW, publication grant
  • 2015 CCA Andratx, Spain, residency
  • 2014-2015 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant
  • 2014 Stiftung Kunstfonds
  • 2011 Henry Moore Foundation, production grant
  • 2009-2010 Art Scope Daimler, Tokyo, Japan
  • 2008-2009 Pollock Krasner Foundation grant
  • 2006-2007 Else- Heiliger- Fonds
  • 2001-2002 DAAD- scholarship for postgraduates


  • Catalogue: Window Sopping, Kunstverein Siegen, Spector Books
  • Monographic catalogue: Eva Berendes, Silk, Grids & Souvenirs, Städtische Galerie Waldkraiburg, Verlag für moderne Kunst
  • Group catalogue: Julia Höner, Less is a bore, Reflections on Memphis, Kai 10, Düsseldorf, Spector Books
  • Conversation: Eva Berendes and Doug Ashford, DURCH 12, edited by Maxine Kopsa, published by Grazer Kunstverein
  • Monographic booklet: Eva Berendes Figures & Routines, Jacky Strenz Galerie
  • Catalogue: Nur hier, Sammlung zeitgenössischer Kunst der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Ankäufe von 2007 bis 2011, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, Verlag DIE NEUE SACHLICHKEIT
  • Monographic booklet: Eva Berendes, People and Events will be the decoration, S1 Artspace
  • Group e-book: Making is thinking, Witte de With
  • Exhibition booklet: The Long Dark, Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge
  • Exhibition booklet: Between the lines, works by Eva Berendes and Zoe Paul, Cass Sculpture Foundation, Goodwood, West Sussex (GB)
  • Group catalogue: All that is solid melts into air, Five Reflections on Materialist Spirituality in Contemporary Art, MuHKA Antwerp, CultuurcentrumMechelen
  • Group catalogue: Bart Wells Institute. Edited by Luke Gottelier and Francis Uprichard, Dent-de-Leone
  • Exhibition booklet: Intervention/ Decoration, Foreground 08, text by Simon Morrissey
  • Group Catalogue: Minimalism and After, Tradition and Tendencies of Minimalism from 1950 to thePresent, DaimlerChrysler Contemporary, Hatje Cantz Verlag
  • Group Catalogue: Minimalism and Applied I, Daimler Chrysler Contemporary